Does a shared server disadvantage a website over a website hosted on a dedicated server?

A website hosted on a shared server with share its IP address with hundreds or thousands of other websites.
It is therefore possible to be surrounded by neighbors with suspect methods or whose methods belong to adult topics only.
According to Google, being whether on a dedicated or mutualized server doesn't change anything to the ranking of a website.
What would be the advantages to be the only one with an IP address on dedicated server then?
Technically, the infrastructure being reserved, the website should be less often unreachable than on a shared server where resources are shared.
All the links you will get might come from different IP addresses, which is a good sign.
Finally, we can think that the websites capable of offering a dedicated server are globally more serious because they receive more investment.
There will therefore no major advantage in having our own server for SEO but in general and logically, a dedicated server presents more guarantees…but at a higher cost.