How does a SEO service go?

How does a SEO service go?

Many methodologies may differ but generally, the process is classic.

Ideally, the SEO professional will take action before the launch of a website and therefore can give their tips all along the Web production process.

Almost all the actions of the speakers in a Web project will impact the final visibility in search engines.

Directly optimizing a storyboard (zoning) before the creation of graphic charter can save a lot of time, allow you to avoid round trips and extra working days...

Writing SEO recommendations for an integrator before he integrates a design will also allow you to directly create a SEO optimized website.

In the same vein, knowing the methods to optimize a text in order to write will allow you to optimize your content both for visitors and engines.

In order to write their tips, a SEO specialist will have to search (together with you sometimes) the best keywords likely to generate qualified traffic.

If your website is already in production, the SEO specialist will have to audit the existing one beforehand.

When the website is in production, the SEOs will then be part of a virtuous circle that includes: measuring results, writing new tips and new content without forgetting to develop the number of links pointing to your website, which is potentially an endless task...

Indeed, after prior optimizations, you measure your results again and go for new optimizations.