How to set your SEO goals?

The goals that you will be able to achieve will often depend on your financial and human resources.
Several kinds of goals can be planned.
Regarding the turnover, some entrepreneurs would like to generate 200,000 euros natural referencing by investing 5,000 euros. Such a return would make many traders look pale is utopian, of course. SEO professionals are not wizards.
In general, you should plan to invest between 5 and 20% of the turnover you want to generate.
The first year of activity of a website will be the harder for the "SEO lever". The ROI should normally improve as the years go by.
It is also possible to set up non-financial performance goals. For example, the number of links obtained from different external domains or the share of SEO visits compared to other traffic generation channels or the number of keywords that generated visits.
Please, also note that your performance regarding the turnover generated through the natural results of search engines depends widely on other optimizations, such as your merchandising and the capacity of the website to transform.
And here, this is not about SEO and this no longer depends on your SEO specialist.