Does the content of the TITLE tag have to be different from my H1 tag?

Does the content of the TITLE tag have to be different from my H1 tag?

The H1 tag is supposed to be the most important title of the page.

The TITLE tag must make it possible to identify the content of a document.

These two specifications seem close enough to me to be able to fill these two tags with the same content.

In spite of this possibility, it would certainly be a shame to systematically go with this type of optimization.

It is better to treat these two tags separately and therefore take advantage of different opportunities to cover a larger number of keywords.

Remember that repetition is not necessarily the best way to make search engines understand the topic of your content.

Playing on questioning in order to be able in the long term to be legitimate on the voice searches related problems can be a great way to differentiate and complete them.